Add space to string in c#

Hi, here i have to remind  we can add specified space or byte to existing string.

string spacestr = "123";
spacestr = spacestr .ToString().PadRight(10 , '*'); //for asterisk   
spacestring  = spacestring  .ToString().PadRight(10 , ' '); //for space

now 'spacestr ' value will be :123*******, the seven * will added to right side of the 'spacestr .
now 'spacestr ' value will be :123       , the seven sapce will added to right side of the 'spacestr .

if we need to add space left side of str
spacestr = spacestr .ToString().PadLeft(10 , '*');

now 'spacestr ' value will be :*******123, the * will added to left side of the spacestr .
Probably we need space, we replace space ' ' character instead of  asterisk '*'